Tuesday, 22 October 2013


For reasons best not gone into, it is highly unlikely that this project is going to achieve the backing it needs to have success in Barcelona.  It's a great shame.  As Spain's Nº 1 tourist city and one of its reference points in the humanitarian control of street cats, Barcelona was the ideal place for this project to promote cat protection throughout Catalunya and Spain, but such is life.

As we made clear from day one, there are various places in Spain that are models of humanitarian control.  With enough tourist throughput, there's no reason why a 'X  Cats' couldn't get underway elsewhere.

Based on our experience of this pilot, with official recognition and promotional support from the Council combined with the involvement of the local tourism schools, we're confident that an 'X  Cats' would have success.

The key to success is of course, the local 'cat world'.  If the prevailing mentality is one of 'moral superiority', cynicism and meaness, clearly its not going to help.  However, if there are enough people who know that their moral character has nothing to do with their love of cats but how they treat human beings and respect democratic values, they may well achieve something very worthwile for promoting cat welfare throughout their region and the whole of Spain.

For more information on the concept and objectives of the project, click here.

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